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First Parish Players

The First Parish Players is a non profit 501C3 company that was founded in the summer of 2016 by Bridgewater resident and BSU graduate Tony Winters as a place for actors of all levels of experience to feel welcome and to be allowed to live out their on-stage dreams. It is currently run by business owner and operator Desiree Krebs and to this day, it feeds off the same principle from which it began: that this art comes from the heart, not just from the work. 


Since their inception, the First Parish Players have produced a wide array of shows, covering forgotten classics, period pieces, original plays, and timely, relevant art which coincides with the events of the world. 


Stemming from First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church of Bridgewater, the Players hold the same values; that all people have inherent dignity, and should be treated with respect. That love is love, that we are all connected, and that democracy must be upheld. On that last note, each year the Players vote on which productions will be put on the following year, so their members can have a say in what they do.


Each production has its own unique flair, its own sense of intimacy and audience interaction. The Players strive to leave audiences with a new vision, not only of theater, but of the world around them. 


We hope you will join us for our next production.


Jackie Audet is an arts instructor from Westport, MA. She attended Diman Regional in Fall River where she studied graphic design, then attended UMass Dartmouth where she completed her BFA in Illustration. 


Jackie’s art style reflects her strong regard for animation and cartoon art, and the logo is no exception.The design is intentionally playful, to reflect the fun, friendly, and family-like environment First Parish Players brings to the local theatre community.

She has participated in several theatre companies throughout Southeastern Massachusetts, including FPP during their production of You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown during the fall of 2022. 


When she isn’t onstage or creating, Jackie enjoys singing, spending time with her pets, and a variety of nerdy hobbies, including cosplay.

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Meet the Designer Behind our Logo! 

Jackie Headshot
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